This Week
This week so far has been a week of learning. I signed up to be a part of this little cohort that is looking into Agriculture as a focus for learning opportunities within our currently established curriculum. Headed up by a couple of excellent teachers that I have the pleasure to call colleagues we have spent time both working on project development and going on some excursions to really get a handle on what it is we want students to learn and also to understand that Agriculture is so much more than farming. The week has been interesting from discussing Tariffs with Dairy Farms to checking out some animal subjects at a research facility. We have talked Canola, Potatoes, self-sustained farming, the importance of bees and looked at Aquaponics and Aeroponics which are both very cool. Aside from all of this great learning I was able to speak with coworkers, learn and work together and just have some immersive learning in the middle of the summer break. Beyond that, however, I have had some moments of personal learning and appreciations that I wanted to share.
Overcoming Adversity
Life Long Learning
“I have been doing this for 35 years, every year I am learning. We are always learning, you are teachers you know this.” We are teachers, we do know this but sometimes we don't act on it. This week has been interesting because it has taught me that I have a lot of preconceived notions about things. Listening to all of the men and women we have talked to this week go into such great detail about the trials and challenges that their jobs bring, the desire to fully embrace technology from some while others are grateful to get to do everything by hand. I am so grateful that I have put myself out there this week and learned things I would never have discovered had it not been for the chance to really listen to those who are living different experiences than I do. Which brings me to my last point of the week. Literacy-related so if you were here for the Agriculture review then feel free to skip it but important info coming up.