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Once Upon a time

"One upon a time, there was a boy who was invincible," he whispered, breathing in deeply and filling his lungs with knight superpowers....

The most important work

A few years ago I attended a conference where I was introduced to a speaker named Dr.Jody Carrington. The sessions discussed emotional...

What a team looks like

This time of year the Gilsons, when not teaching, are at basketball. If not working in the concession, I am sitting on the bench or in...

Hello Tomorrow

Tomorrow we head back to school. The break has been pretty relaxing. I did less work than I should have, I watched a lot of movies and...

A Quick Post

Lately I have been a part of a lot of conversations around equity and antiracist pedagogy and how so much of the work is being left to...

Words Found

Ok so yesterday I wrote about the questions I have been struggling with and I don't want anyone to think that I have solved them because...

Not yet the word

The last few years I have taken part and had my students take part in the whole #oneword project. Pick a word to frame your year around...


The Winter Break is upon us. I am sitting here watching the Mandalorian and pondering life. Earlier this week a friend and I were talking...

Here we are again

So I have had a bit of a writers block when it comes to my own blog. I think there is a lot of angst in the literacy world at the moment...

Language is Powerful

This week it seems the opportunity to discuss language be it written, read or spoken, and the power that comes with it has popped up many...

What is the message?

Basketball season is kicking off pretty quickly. The final days of football and volleyball season are fast approaching. Tryouts for...

With Gratitude 2019

Today I started the day by playing with a room of delightful 18-month to 3 year olds at church, had a delightful meal with family and...

Digging Out

Last Friday night it started to snow. It started to snow a lot. By Saturday afternoon we had a couple inches of snow on the ground. By...

Blog: Blog2
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